Thursday, June 6, 2013

Meet the Trainers + Personal Training Giveaway!!

 *The winner of the contest is Donna Rice Costello. 

We are so excited to introduce you all to the two wonderful trainers that have joined me here at CORE SPI! We also have a new scheduling system that we are very proud of and an awesome June special. So many good things are going on right now, we decided to put them all in one blog post, plus give one of you lucky winners an incredible prize!

First, our June special. We are calling it "Take the Plunge into Fitness." So many people have hang-ups about starting a life of fitness. One of the rationalizations we hear most for NOT coming is "I need to get in good shape first." Honestly, this one leaves us a little befuddled, because we feel like our purpose is to help people change their lives and live better, all while getting into better "shape."

So, in order to help people take that first leap, we are offering a major discount on our personal training packages:

Next up, meet the trainers! Below are some portions of their bios, but for more information and to schedule a FREE consultation with our new scheduling system, please visit the personal training portion of our website.

I am certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, I have a decade of personal training experience and I am the CEO and Director of Training of Core SPI . As a former soldier and college football player, I am passionate about helping people improve their quailty of life!
For more about Shane, click here.

I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach with my masters in Biomechanics, and I specialize in training athletes. With experience training the men's basketball team and the women's volleyball team at the University of Oklahoma, training numerous high school athletes, and as an Air Assault Qualified Repel Master and Medical Officer in the OK National Guard, I am up for any challenge!
For more about Carsen, click here.

I am a board certified personal trainer through the American Fitness & Aerobics Association. I have been training and teaching spin and other boot camp classes for over 3 years now after I ran track and cross country for Utah Valley University.  I enjoy helping each individual in achieving their health and fitness goals and hope to inspire as many people as I can to get healthy and stay active.
For more about Katie, click here.

Finally, the giveaway! We are giving away one 3-pack of personal training sessions to a lucky reader! You will receive 3 personal training sessions with the trainer who's availability best matches up with yours. In order to be intered to win, you must do two things:

1. Like our
Facebook page.

2. Leave a comment below or on Facebook telling us what has been holding you back from "taking the plunge into fitness."
(If you leave a comment both places, you will be entered twice!)

That's it! The winner will be announced next Tuesday, June 11th. If you know anyone who might benefit from FREE personal training, please share!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are You Trained to Move or Sit? Why Mobility Training is SO Important.

My good friend and business partner told me a story about being in grad school to become a physical therapist when the topic of stretching and mobility came up. His professor posed the question "Who are the most prolific athletes on the face of the earth?" These soon-to-be professionals called out answers like “running backs!” and “Olympians!” – things we might all expect the answer to be.  After a while, the teacher answered "Thoroughbred Horses.”  The teacher ended the class with this question to ponder "How much do thoroughbreds stretch?"
Do you consider yourself a healthy person with good workout habits, but lately you feel like you are nursing more minor injuries than you are getting any real work done? These wear and tear injuries are caused by overly tight muscle groups and/or weak muscle groups. Not having enough range of motion prevents you from doing important exercise movements correctly, and therefore, you are unable to strengthen the muscles that prevent these injuries.
Think about it, everyone has that exercise or two that no matter how much their trainer yells at them, they just cannot seem to get the proper motion, or maybe you just cannot seem to feel it in the spots your trainer is telling you about. This is most likely because of extremely tight antagonist muscles that simply will not allow the movement to happen. If the movement (that causes the desired muscle groups to activate) cannot and will not happen; will the muscles we are trying to get stronger get any stronger? The answer is a big NO!
So what do we do about it?
The answer is: intelligent and purposeful mobility training.
I am not talking about the old, bend-over-and-touch-your-toes or the arms-out shoulder rotation. These are the very archaic, somewhat useless ideas of warm-up/flexibility/mobility exercises that most athletes and trainers employ. The fact of the matter is, most static stretching is useless without a properly warmed up muscles, and any given stretched position needs to be held for up to 20-30 minutes to actually see any significant lengthening of the muscle belly.
As a professional athletic trainer it is my job to force your body into a new normal of efficient functional movements, pain free! Kelly Starrett, Physical Therapist to the world's most elite athletes and author of Becoming a Supple Leopard believes that "all human beings should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves." He also says that "humans should be able to alleviate about 98% of pain on their own."
What KStar (as he is referred to in the Crossfit community) is saying is that with intelligently designed mobility training, we can all safely alleviate 98% of wear and tear injuries incurred by poor form and improper instruction.
The question my friend’s professor asked can be approached in several different ways. The most relevant for this topic are: "Well, they never stretch, so we can only conclude that stretching/mobility is useless. We should just allow our strong muscles to get stronger and are weak muscles to get weaker because we do not need them." and "Our muscles will adapt by getting stronger here and weaker there, tighter here and looser there to facilitate our most common objective, allowing for optimum performance at what we do most."

The 2nd thought is exactly my point. Thoroughbreds eat, sleep and dream (I’m assuming) racing. That is all they do. Therefore the muscles that they want to get tighter and stronger do and the muscles they want looser and weaker get that way as well. The problem with this is that most human bodies have already adapted their bodies for optimum performance at their most common activity: SITTING!

So please, if you are feeling like your workouts are causing you more harm than good lately, or if you're tired of sitting all the time and still feeling achy, come see me and my athletic mobility specialists here at Core SPI. We can help you maximize your life!

Be Safe
Work Hard

God Bless,

Monday, May 20, 2013

New Evening Class Added!

We are pleased to offer a new 5:30pm evening class Monday-Thursday.  We hope to be able to meet the damand of additional evening classes soon as well!

Please join us for FREE May 20-23 at 5:30pm to try us out, and bring your kiddos!  We will provide FREE child care as well!

SPIFIT is Functional Athletic Training for all, ages, shapes, and sizes. It is like crossfit, but with common sense. We concentrate on mobility, stability and proper human movements instead of putting such an emphasis on weight. I promise you'll love it. Come check us out!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Aesthetics v. Functionality

Aesthetics v. Functionality

When you look around at gyms websites, you will be inundated with pictures of people with (what has been decided as) perfect bodies; shimmering, shining bodies without an ounce of fat. 
  These images depict “perfection” and the idea that, if a person has a different shape than the men or women in these pictures, than somehow that person is deficient. 
This is the image that magazines and media have dictated to us that we should aspire to be.
This is not what fitness is about! Fitness is about liberation and freedom through strength. Fitness is about working to be the strongest person you can be, mentally and physically.

I have a lot of experience training for a Globogym. The 1st thing we were all required to do, when we first met with a new client, was get their weight and body fat percentage. This is, of course, to show each person how flawed they are.  Showing a person these numbers, that society has ordained that we should be judged by, proves to them that they need my help. To me, this is a horrific manner to sell fitness.  
This way of thinking personifies the fitness nay-sayers and reinforces the, sadly common, thought process that says: I can just do this for a few months until I hit my goal weight and then quit. People who view fitness as only about aesthetics will always fail in the end. A large portion will fail only because very few people in the world can ever look like those models in the magazines. Some will be defeated because no one can eat chicken and brown rice for every meal. Worst of all, some will fold due to the deterioration of their bodies, from ignorant and abusive training patterns that do nothing to help the body work correctly and often teach the body to do the opposite.

We are a Functional Athletic Training Gym.  This means that our main priority is to create programming that makes your body function correctly no matter what sort of duress it may be under. This is done not only through what most think of as physical exercise, but also through mobility, flexibility and stabilization training. You will never hear me talk about someone’s waist line during a SPIFIT class, unless it is a direct question. Someone’s body shape means very little when it comes to how proficient and efficient their body is. My goal as a trainer is to help each individual SPI’ite become the best that they can be. It is the job of every trainer at SPI to show that the value of an individual is found in their substance, energy, tenacity and brawn and not in the physical form they display. Every individual has a different genetic code. This code gives each of us a unique shape. These shapes are what make us special (just like your mom has told you).
If we view fitness only by how it is going to make us look or a number on a scale, then we are setting ourselves up for failure. Those results are not only superficial, but they are most often not sustainable.  Make this lifestyle of fitness actually affect your life in other than the size of pants you buy. Be as strong as you can be, be as tough as you can be! If you set out to do that, every day, then your physical form will represent the tough, vital, and healthy person that you are!

Work Hard,

Be Safe,



Friday, April 12, 2013

Become an "Early Riser!"

Source here.

Why workout in the mornings?

1.      You might sleep better at night.  Researchers at Appalachian State University found that participants who worked out at 7am slept longer and better than when they worked out at 1pm or 7pm. 

2.       Even after moderate-to-vigorous exercise in the morning, you will probably not eat more.  Studies (here and here) from BYU found that people did not eat more food to “make up” for lost calories during exercise.  Not only that, but when neural activity was measured while participants looked at pictures of food, those who worked out in the morning weren’t as interested in or as excited by food.

3.       Better sleep + Exercise + Eating less can mean a significant decrease in cancer risk for women.  A study presented to the American Association for Cancer Research showed that of the 5,968 women followed, those with more than an average 7 hours of sleep per night (see reason #1 to work out in the mornings), along with consistent exercise had the lowest overall cancer risk.

Source here
You might be asking, "Getting my workout overwith in the  mornings would be great, but what if I'm just not a morning person?"  Here are some ways to "trick" yourself into becoming one!

What is your “Why?”
Figure out your goal or overall motivation for working out in the first place.  Have something specific you can think about when the alarm goes off and you’re talking yourself into staying in bed.

Prep as much as possible the night before, then GO TO BED
Make sure your clothes, water bottle, coffee, snack, etc. are all prepped and ready to go so you don’t have to worry about it in the morning.  But most importantly, go to sleep!  Get enough rest so that you won’t be as tired the next day.

Sleep in your workout clothes
Sometimes this is all the motivation you need early in the morning.  You’re already dressed, now all you need to do is brush your teeth, put on your shoes and head out the door. 

Consider moving your alarm clock
If you have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm, you might as well stay up and workout!  I sometimes put mine in the bathroom and if I’m already dressed and out of bed, I might as well stay there and brush my teeth!

Finally, Take advantage of our Early Risers special and leave all excuses behind!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kipping isn’t cheating

I remember when I first saw videos online of people doing Crossfit. I remember distinctly it was a guy doing a “Fran” in his garage gym. (for those do not know “Fran” is 21-15-9 reps of Thrusters and Pullups for time).  Of course when the man started the Pull up section I noticed, what seemed to me to be, a wild swinging motion. Well as a proud trainer at Globo Gym international, let’s just say, I was appalled. “how could this be a real thing” I thought, “that is nothing but blatant cheating!
Well, being the fitness video junkie that I am, I watched more and more functional fitness videos and I quickly realized that all of the machines that I was used to using were not the answer to true fitness, this style was. However, I still couldn’t shake the idea of “kipping” as I come to later learn, it has to be people just trying to cheat. 
This idea of “cheating” as I pondered on it can only come from the Globo gym mentality that isolating every muscle group is the only way to be fit and look fit. The problem with this method is, your muscles will never learn to work together properly. This is called intermuscular co-ordination.
Back to the point, as I really pondered over this subject of Kipping, I finally came to realize that I had everything all wrong. Kipping isn’t cheating, Kipping is just a regression, or at minimum it is a different exercise totally.
When teaching our body to properly function properly in functional, body movement style fitness, we all come across exercises that we cannot perform right away. So, what do we do? Do we just give up? Heck no.  Find the proper regression, so that you can strengthen the muscles involved in the exercise you desire to achieve. Do that until you are strong enough get that 1st pull up or hand stand push up.
Sometimes this regression can be as simple as lessening the weight, or maybe even jumping from the ground using a little momentum to help you get over the bar. Either way,  you are continually getting better, getting stronger and sometimes even adding in a cardiovascular element that you hadn’t realize could be there. So why not? I am for anything that makes you get fitter!
So, the next time you have to go to Globo gym to get your WOD on and some meat head tells you that you are cheating on pull ups, tell him that he is the one cheating because he is obviously trying to bench press 1000 lbs and he can only do a regression.

Be Safe,
Work Hard,


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Learn to appreciate the HARD things in life.

Those who “like” us on Facebook or attend SPIFIT regularly have heard the phrase “it just has to be hard." This is the #1 rule in fitness. If it is not difficult for you in one way or another, then your body will not respond like you want it to.   The sad thing is, most people have no desire to do anything in life that is hard.

Last Saturday, after our weekend warrior SPIFIT, I was training my young son on proper squat form.  He explained to me that it was very hard and asked why anyone would do it.  That’s when it dawned on me: all the good things in life are the direct result of doing something that was hard.

Think about it, no one wants to do their homework when they are little, but you have to so you can learn everything you need to know to get into a good college, get that good job and be a successful adult.  It’s the same concept in fitness.  Say you love chest presses, but hate flipping tires.  This means that your body is already good at chest presses and needs more practice tire flipping.  Do what is hard for you!

Sadly, in this country the socially acceptable thing when it comes to fitness, is that if it is hard then you shouldn’t do it. We have convinced ourselves that we can get that 6 pack abs in only 8 minutes, and that we can get fit and healthy with our “routine” (cringe) that we are comfortable with.  The biggest argument against functional fitness is that it’s too hard. And that only the crazy people would put themselves through this overly hard form of fitness.  We are calling BS! These are all excuses or justifications that we use to avoid the things we know we need to do.

Stop living without the results you want and start telling yourself that the hard things in life are what you need to do!  Every day at SPI is a different workout than you’ve ever done before.  Different muscle groups are targeted in ways that your body is not used to.  Come get out of your comfort zone, work HARD and see results!

Be Safe,
Work Hard,

-Shane Cink


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Does SPIFIT Look Like?

It's time to start getting in shape for the summer and we've made it easier than ever with our added evening and weekend classes!   Here's an example of the types of things we do at SPI.  Remember, every exercise we do has a purpose in YOUR life, and every exercise we do can be regressed or advanced to match YOUR fitness level.

For this SPIFIT, everyone started in a different spot and went around the complete circle 4 times. 
 "If you are going to cry, don't cry to quit, cry to keep going!"

Perfect Tire Flip form and Rope Pull.
Ty adds weight to make his Rope Pull more advanced.
Medicine Ball Throw Down. 
Great for your core when you're whole body is engaged.  We have varying weights.
Box Hop Over.
This will get your heart-rate up fast!
Tire Donkey Kicks.
Start in a plank position with feet up on the tire, then jump your feet in toward your hands, then kick them back up on the the tire.  This one's a doozy!
Bosu Burpies, Landmine Rotations and Kettle Bell Choo Choo's.
We're building muscle and blasting away fat!
Call or email to let us know you'll be coming, and check out even more workouts in the pictures on our Facebook page! Remember, the first SPIFIT class is always free!
405-471-4556 or

*Remember to please always consult with a physician before you begin any kind of workout routine.  Although our workouts are strenuous, safety is our #1 concern!  Breaks are encouraged and you are asked to stop if you feel light-headed, dizzy or nauseous.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Wednesday Night Revival


Wednesday Night Revival is a mixture of strength and conditioning type workouts with functional fitness(crossfit) type workouts. The idea is to have an extreme, full-body workout that challenges individuals’ strength, endurance, agility and overall athleticism. We will not focus on any particular body parts but capture the attention of the mind and total ability of the body to overcome fatigue.

If you are looking for an extra workout or are just into being challenged than come join us at SPI on Wednesday nights at 7 pm! This workout is for all fitness levels. You get out what you put in so all we ask is that you push yourself.

Wednesday night revival is your chance to see what our gym is all about.  Oh, and did we mention it's FREE!?! So come and work!