Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Does SPIFIT Look Like?

It's time to start getting in shape for the summer and we've made it easier than ever with our added evening and weekend classes!   Here's an example of the types of things we do at SPI.  Remember, every exercise we do has a purpose in YOUR life, and every exercise we do can be regressed or advanced to match YOUR fitness level.

For this SPIFIT, everyone started in a different spot and went around the complete circle 4 times. 
 "If you are going to cry, don't cry to quit, cry to keep going!"

Perfect Tire Flip form and Rope Pull.
Ty adds weight to make his Rope Pull more advanced.
Medicine Ball Throw Down. 
Great for your core when you're whole body is engaged.  We have varying weights.
Box Hop Over.
This will get your heart-rate up fast!
Tire Donkey Kicks.
Start in a plank position with feet up on the tire, then jump your feet in toward your hands, then kick them back up on the the tire.  This one's a doozy!
Bosu Burpies, Landmine Rotations and Kettle Bell Choo Choo's.
We're building muscle and blasting away fat!
Call or email to let us know you'll be coming, and check out even more workouts in the pictures on our Facebook page! Remember, the first SPIFIT class is always free!
405-471-4556 or skcink@gmail.com

*Remember to please always consult with a physician before you begin any kind of workout routine.  Although our workouts are strenuous, safety is our #1 concern!  Breaks are encouraged and you are asked to stop if you feel light-headed, dizzy or nauseous.

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